Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ashes, Ashes, we all fall down!

Today is Ash Wednesday, the first day of lent.

I am trapped at home with two sick kids and am awaiting the return on one sick husband. How much more fun can my life get? Seriously?

Roo had a fever yesterday of 102.6! :-( I knew she wasn't 100% but I had NO IDEA! She's been getting doses of dimetapp and tylenol and seems to be on the mend.

Jack is currently in his bed, head down, screaming. I wish, o wish he would go to sleep. He's crabby, tired and snotty.

Can life get any better?

Sure it can. Jim and I also decided what we are going to give up for lent...

Swearing for Jim (not me because I *LIKE* swearing!)

Candy and sodas for me. Sure, it's ambitious, but it's only 40 days. Right? I figured it was a nice little companion to my Weight Watchers saga (I'm on day three of re-start #50).

That's the long and short.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Roo left to her own devices

When Roo is left to her own devices, she is very...capable. She can pick out her own clothes, dress herself and feed herself. Chocolate that is.

These pictures were taken at 8:30 at night. She was put in bed about an hour before we discovered her. She was quite proud of herself. Pretty funny too!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Ukea, Wekea, Ikea!

This week was the grand opening of Charlotte's very first Ikea. It's been insanely busy and today was no exception!

It opened on Tuesday to throngs of shoppers. My friend Christa was one of the first people in the doors and celebrated with all of the other shoppers who were chanting "IKEA! IKEA!" The first 100 people got a free chair and the first 2,500 got gift cards that varied from $.50 to $1000. Lucky Christa-girl won a $250!!! That's a WHOLE-lotta crap from Ikea especially.

Anyway, Jim and I have been desperate to visit our first Ikea store since we'd heard about it's groundbreaking last fall. It seemed like this day would never come. Jim decided that today would be the big day. We headed out after Jack got up from his nap. Since it's about 40 minutes away, we piled in the jeep and prayed for napping babies. We didn't get that, but it was still a pleasant ride. There is something about the ride that lulls them into quiet, mellow babes.

We arrived along with a BAZILLION other people. We got off at the correct exit and quickly whisked back onto the highway and off at the NEXT exit. We followed the caravan of cars that circled the block and ended in Ikea's parking lot. We were directed into the first overflow parking area (also known as parallel street parking) and quickly made our way into the store. It was SOOO cold! About 40 degrees and WINDY. Poor Jack whimpered the whole way in.

We got in and hit the aisles. We had a BLAST looking at everything. We've only ever cruised the website so this was amazing! So many things, so CHEAP! We grabbed the glasses that we needed, some wooden hangers and some steak knives. I know, really exciting stuff, right?! ;-) I wanted to buy one of everything...luckily Jim was there to restrain me. :-)

There were so many people there with carts, buggies and strollers that if you took one wrong turn, you were toast. Think, salmon, swimming upstream! Kinda scary really!

We headed upstairs and grabbed some lunch. It was absolutely delish! In the midst of all of the craziness, I ran into TWO people I knew. 1 was a girl that I rode the bus with in MIDDLE SCHOOL! Kara. The other was a girl I was in college with (and also NUMEROUS group projects with), Robin. Robin and I spoke quickly, introduced our respective kids and moved along.

The day was an absolute blast! We spent 4 hours there total. I can't even believe it. What a time suck! It was worth it though!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad!

I'm sure you won't see this until you get back from Panama but...

We hope that you have an awesome birthday and we can't wait to see you soon!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

God Bless You Rover

I'm dealing with a huge amount of guilt right now...

I was driving home today and had just pulled into Tega Cay. I was cruising along, doing 35 mph (those of you who know Tega Cay, know how these cops are) when a dog ran out, full steam ahead, across the median and right into my car. I slammed on my breaks and screeched to a halt. I never felt any impact, in fact, I wasn't even sure if Rover and I made any contact.

When I had come to a complete stop, I couldn't see the dog anywhere. I was hopeful! That silly old dog probably just missed it and he ran off into the woods, Right?

I moved forward and turned around. For what? I don't know even know whe kept running, I'd never be able to see him.
hat just happened! I could never pick up a dog that I might have just killed. Or if
By the time I'd swung around, I see Rover. There were two guys in a truck picking him up. I pulled up slowly and shamefully and asked if it was his dog. He said no, it wasn't but he was taking it to the vet right up the road. His friend quickly loaded the still breathing and moving Rover into the truck and squealed off.

Now, I have tremendous guilt. So much so, that I can't even bring myself to call the vet to find out if dear Rover survived with a broken leg or was so severly injured that he had to be put down. My friend Carrie said she would call. I haven't asked her though...I'm too afraid.

Please note, I live in a city with leash laws and this dog was clearly not restrained. Infact, he didn't even have tags on!

Ok, that doesn't make me feel better but it does help me realize that it was not entirely my fault. What a sad day for Rover!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

We're back!

We're back and we had a FABULOUS time. Everyone travelled exceptionally well. Our first REAL family vacation was a complete success. Infact, I don't think anything could have gone smoother. Ok, well there was the photo shoot at the Polynesian that was a nightmare...but that was a bonus.

Until I can report fully, I will leave these pictures...

Roo with her favorite...Ariel
Jack and his Fairy Godmother (sorry Kimmie!)Jack is having too much fun!
Roo under Spaceship Earth - She rode it too!
Roo with some mouse
In the arms of a giant carved monkey!Jim is showing off the best breakfast treat EVER! Pooh's Puffed French Toast! (Yes, I realize this looks like fried chicken.)Roo's having a meltdown on Dumbo. Why? I can't wait, I didn't put on her seatbelt first. Man, are we obsessed with safety?!
The BEST use of a Disney Dining Plan Snack credit. From Downtown Disney's Goofy Candy Co. It's a Mousehead rice crispy treat dipped in chocolate, one side mini m&ms and the other side butterfingers with white chocolate drizzle.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

What I am is what I am are you what you are or what...

In the words of the marvelous Edie Brickell...

Oh, I'm not aware of too many things
I know what I know, if you know what I mean

Philosophy is a walk on the slippery rocks
Religion is a light in the fog I'm not aware of too many things

I know what I know
if you know what I mean,

d-doo yeah

Choke me in the shallow water
Before I get too deep

What I am is what I am
Are you what you are or what?
What I am is what I am
Are you what you are or what?

This song brings up all sorts of issues that have been pressing on my mind. Specifically my weight. Is it what I am? Or am I it?

Meaning, is fat who I am or am *I* the fat? No, this isn't a cry for help or a plea of desperation. I look in the mirror and don't even recognize the person staring back. She is familiar, but not the lady I'm used to seeing. It's like the first time you've ever gotten all of your hair cut off and you wake up, pass yourself in the mirror and do a double take. It's that shocking to me.

So, what does this mean? Well I have a good 30 that I need/want to lose. I don't enjoy being within 20 lbs of Jim. I don't enjoy having this belly and rolls that I've NEVER had. I don't enjoy seeing my butt trail behind me like a shelf...or a ledge.

I should do something about it...yet I'm not motivated. Maybe tomorrow.

Until then, I leave you with a funny passage...

"I've noticed I'm developing a bit of a shelf back there. My inner critic calls it an ass plateau. Seriously. It's a fleshy blob that sits right above my crack, like a fanny back or perpahps my tailbone's version of a helmet. When I see you I'll let you rest your drink on it. "

from Such a Pretty Fat by Jen Lancaster

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Under the weather

I've been sick for the last day and completely out of it. Thankfully Riley was especially sensitive to that and an EXCELLENT girl for Jim. :-)

Now I'm well and Jim is getting sick.

Ain't life grand?!