We woke up to a dreary, cool day. My girl was insanely crabby and crying by 6:30 am. UGH! Do I even have to get up? Is this my life? Jack slept like crap, as usual. Roo was up screaming, off and on all night. I want to go back to bed.
I knew I couldn't though...there was something exciting happening. It's ELECTION DAY!
We met Carrie to go to a walk and to vote. I was excited! Leaves are changing (and falling) the weather is cool and today would be a changing day!
We get to the polls and I could sense trouble. The lines for last names A-M were nearly an hour and a half long. The lines for N-Z were a whopping 10 minutes long! AHHHHHHHH! Luckily, Carrie was fabulous back-up! She quickly voted (she got the short line, lucky dog!) and took Roo out to play with some friends from our MOMS club. I held Jack the entire time, and he was an angel. The entire line bitched and moaned as we inched our way to the booths. 2 (!!!) hours later, I was done. 2 HOURS! I can't freaking believe it. I was exhausted and my shoulder feels completely broken right now. :-( But it was worth it. Even though it's just been announced that McCain won SC, I exercised my right to vote and Roo got an excellent lesson in the elections.
As an aside:
She's really been into the elections and watching the shows with us on TV. It sounds crazy but she's constantly asking me about Kay Hagan and Elizabeth Dole. She always cheers for Barack and says that "we know him." She cheers when she sees his picture or sees his signs. It's cute. She knows that McCain and Sarah Palin are "friends." And Joe Biden is Obama's "friend." :-)
Today, while she was being watched by the other moms, she was expounding her views on John McCain and why he would be a bad president. (FTR: I did NOT teach her this. Jim did.) Her number one reason for not voting for McCain is that he's too old (Jim mentioned that he would be a good pop-pop, not president). Incidentally, it's not even on the radar for why we would not vote for him. But yes, he is old. Luckily, no one was offended but lord was I embarrassed.
All in all, it was a great day...but I'm pooped. :-)