Thursday, April 30, 2009


Roo and I decided that it would be a wonderfully domestic to go pick berries this year.

We picked a date and a location and were all set to go on Wednesday. My friend Kristen insisted that I call to make sure that the Springs Farm would be open for u-pick on a week day. I call and this is what I hear "Oh honey, we have been piiiiicked clean. We open on Friday morning at 7am." Um WHAT?! I have a playgroup coming in...oh, I don't know...about 1.5 hours.

Thankfully said friend, Kristen, has a kick-ass husband who came up with a back up plan. Black's Peaches in York. We got everyone ready and headed there.

It was warm and sunny. The weather was absolutely perfect. We had a picnic lunch and then the kids loaded the fields and picked like crazy people. Funny enough, each kid talked about how they were picking berries for their daddies. Nevermind us sweaty moms out there up to our knees in dirt! It was a blast and we were exhausted...but it was worth it. This one time atleast. ;-)

Enjoy the pictures.



William and Beth Anne

Beth Anne

Baby Nate

Samuel (I LOVE this picture!)


Abby and William

Look at mine!

Elizabeth (Wondermom) with baby Nate and Sam

Roo found a berry!

Here is the aftermath

Natalie is ready to go!

Kristen's family wins for the most enthusiastic pickers. Kayleigh couldn't stop picking and Maeghan couldn't stop eating the strawberries!

Maeghan Kayleigh

Kayleigh with berry covered legs

Roo, all tuckered out


mamafish said...

It looks like it was a stellar event! I am jealous of the berries, of the weather and of the nice summery clothing! California has yet to get there on all three!

Kim Eckhardt said...

Oh man. That looks like fun! I miss the playdate era. Enjoy it while you can. :)

drea :: dre of white stables said...

How fun! Love those pictures of the kids covered in berries!