Monday, November 30, 2009

He knows if you've been good or bad...

So be good for goodness sakes!

We have a new little visitor who was dropped on our steps by a jolly old elf.

His name is Dominic and he came to us on Thanksgiving night. He is watching Roo & Jack Jack to make sure they are behaving nicely. The first day was rough...the next few were a bit better. Today Roo even asked me if Dominic could see us in the car. ;-) Big girl has got the idea!

Every night he takes a trip back to the North Pole to let Santa know what's going on in Tega Cay. When he comes back in the morning, he finds a new perch. One of Roo's favorite things has been finding him every day. The first night we put him in the Christmas tree. The next morning he was sitting on the TV. The next day he was in the dining room chandelier. Today he was over the kitchen window. Who know's where he'll land tomorrow?! Exciting stuff I tell ya!


drea :: dre of white stables said...

Our girls love finding our "Buddy" every morning! Syd was freaked out at the thought of him watching her at first, but both girls love it now!

Unknown said...

What a fabulous idea!
Gavin may need a little friend to come for a visit to watch over him as well (last night he purposfully threw a glass on the floor and was overjoyed as it broke into infinity pieces in front of the fireplace. I was like listen dude, this isn't a romance movie, we don't throw glasses in the fire. He got time out on the couch for that one.

Anonymous said...

You are the 3rd friend I know who is using the "elf on a shelf". It works quite well. FYI - anytime you are in the car and the kids start to fight say,"What was that red streek going by the window? Oh, must have been Elf checking on you guys he is reporting back to Santa right now" Granted it makes for slightly parinoid children but they stop fussing : )

Andrea said...

What a neat idea. . . I'm going to try it!

sugar said...

"Donny" just showed up today. So far Kate is asking lots of questions about him and looking at him A LOT!

Kim Eckhardt said...

My friend kathy does this. She says it works. Unfortunately, I killed Santa last year for Shane so it's ineffective on him. :/ Have fun with it!