Friday, June 19, 2009

Out of the mouth of babes

For all that don't know. I started WW last week.

I weighed only 5 lbs less than when I came home from the hospital after giving birth. :-( 174.5

I've struggled alot over the last 15 months. In the last three months, I gained 10 lbs.

In one week, I lost 4.5 lbs! WAH WHOO!

Today I weighed in, not on my weigh in date and I've GAINED 1.5 lbs. I'm following Weight Watchers to a T!

I called Jim to fill him in with my general rantings about all of this. When I got off the phone I was greeted by Roo.

She said, "Mommy, don't worry about your weight. Just weigh what you weigh."

Damn. Out of the mouth of babes.


Alyce said...

Smart girl that Riley.

mamafish said...

What a cutey! I agree, Alyce...she is a smartie!

Unknown said...

She is right, but it's hard not to worry about it;however,when I was losing weight uncontrollably, to the point that I stopped weighing myself (127 lbs) after cancer surgery. I got the Princess Riley attitude.