Monday, July 7, 2008

4 Months!

Jack turned 4 months today!

So far he:

  • has rolled over 2 times
  • is in love with Roo
  • loves to laugh and is quite ticklish
  • wants to sit up and will cry until you hold him upright
  • is now only waking once in the middle of the night
  • weighs about 13 lbs (10th to 25th percentile) and is 26 inches (75th percentile)
  • has a bit of baby chick fuzz but mostly in the back
  • loves baths and swimming
  • has too many clothes :)
  • still sleeps in his bassinette in our room


Anonymous said...

Jack is growing so fast! I can hardly believe it. And I can't blame Jack for being in love with Roo, because she is a real charmer. He is really lucky to have Roo for a sister and to have two loving parents like you two. What a Lucky Boy!

Andrea said...

Can he get any cuter???? I could just eat him up!