Monday, July 14, 2008


One of our favorite shows is Jon&Kateplus8. It documents the trials and tribulations of a family of 10.

The story goes something like this...

Jon & Kate got married and had twin girls. When they wanted to have one more baby, she ended up pregnant with 6! 3 Boys and 3 girls. All of the kids (twins and 'tups) are fraternal (meaning none identical). This makes it particularly easy to tell the children apart, especially as they get older.

The kids are Cara, Maddy, Hannah, Aaden, Collin, Alexis, Leah and Joel.

There is one girl that has always tugged at my heart strings. It's Alexis. Quite honestly, we all (me, J, Julie and Sue) all think she looks just like Roo.

Whatchu think?


Anonymous said...

That's funny. I always think she looks like Isabelle.

Anonymous said...

Roo's cuter than Alexis but they do look alike. Vicki

drea :: dre of white stables said...

I do see it, but Roo definitely IS cuter!