Friday, March 13, 2009


We've been missing in action since last week because of a few things...

1. Jack Jack's birthday. The party was small and personal with just family. It was nice and really the perfect size. Jack was in a great mood the entire time and LOVED all of his gifts and the cake! See exhibit 1.

2. The weather. It's been an amazing week. The temps have been in the 70's and 80's all week. We've spent the better part of that time outside, soaking up the rays, playing in the park and in the yard, picnic-ing and hanging with friends. See exhibit 2.

This is the only body part on the entire family that got burned. My arm got it good. I swear I put sunscreen on, but can't figure out if I missed it.

3. Our Garden. That's right! We have a garden. Riley and I have been gardening by the squarefoot and LOVING it! So far we've planted mesclun (lettuce), spinach, tomatoes, rosemary, broccoli, green bell peppers, cukes and strawberries. So far, so good...nothing dead, yet! See exhibit 3.


drea :: dre of white stables said...

Happy belated Birthday to Jack! He's so adorable. I love all of your 'exhibits' -- makes me very anxious for that kind of weather around here! We're getting close. =)

Anonymous said...

Ouch! The sunburn looks painful! Be careful!!!

Good to see that Jack loved his cake! Love the pic!
