Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Open Letter...

I've been thinking about this for a long we go.

Dear Boobs:

I'm writing a letter to make you aware of my displeasure for your actions. You have consistently let me down and I've had it up to HERE! (Holding my hand up to my neck) If you continue to be so disobediant and negligent, I will be forced to replace you. It's not something I'm thrilled about, but a woman can only take so much.

The first strike against you was during puberty. I thought you were coming in slowly. Nope, you just came one day and that was it. Tiny as you were, I decided that good things must come in small packages, right?

Then there was Roo. Poor baby was starving and all you could muster up was an ounce here and an ounce there?! I was milking you within an inch of your life (as well as mine). I thought you'd get the hint. After herbs, drugs, water, oatmeal and 6 still didn't cooperate. I did my share fair. How about you? NO!

And finally, Jack Jack. He isn't quite the eater that Roo was. Yet, you still tried to sputter out. I've worked and worked to get you flowing. Slowly you've started to come around. 8.5 weeks later we are still trying to you up to "snuff." Yes, you are "working on it", but all this coaxing is aggrivating and really starting to piss me off. You know what you need to do.

The long and short of it is that you need to get your ducts in a row and start flowing. No more excuses. The boy has to eat and I'm sick and tired of making excuses for you. Shape up or I will be forced to find a replacement for you.




Anonymous said...

HA! Love it!

drea :: dre of white stables said...

That was funny! I know the true situation is not, though! Good luck! Hopefully they'll get that you're serious now and start working right. ;-)

Anonymous said...

love it! i'm impressed your still sticking with it! is Jack eating anything? :) poor boobies

mamafish said...

Way to keep those boobies in check! The only way to ensure that they behave is to give them a proper talking to every now and again. Good luck! I am proud of you for working as hard as you are to see this through.