Wednesday, August 6, 2008

6 Days of Sobriety

I've been sober for 6 days. That's right. I have a drinking problem. Coke, Diet Coke, Dr. Pepper, Diet Dr. Pepper, Pepsi, Diet Pepsi. You name it, I've done it. I've had to cut out my drinks completely. I'm doing it all alone. No sponsor, no meetings, no Big Book. All alone.

By now, I'm not dying, but I sure felt like it a couple of days ago. Anyone who has quit caffeine can attest to the withdrawals. I thought I was going to have seizures the first few days. Head pounding, lethargy, pissy attitude, difficulty concentrating...that was all me. Surprisingly though, I'm very optimistic and I know I can make it through this.

Why you might ask? Because for the first time in 5 months (!!!!) I am sleeping well. It's not because I have been keeping myself up with all of the caffeine. Nope. It's because it's been keeping the boy awake!

Jack has been a horrible sleeper since day one. I NEVER put two and two together. Well apparently NO soft drinks sit well with him. He was literally waking every 2 hours to nurse, all night, every night. Couple that with Roo's night terrors and you can see why I was crazy for caffeine. I was exhausted.

In the last 6 days, he has gone from waking every 2 hours to sleeping for one 8 hour stretch (8:00 to 4:00) being fed and then back down until 7ish. It's been heavenly. I've actually had DREAMS for the first time 5 months! He's napping too!

So from now until I wean, I'm off the caff.

What's sick? I'm already planning my reunion with Coke (that's what we, in the south call ALL sodas/soft drinks). Maybe it'll be a Coke Classic with a pepperoni pizza or maybe some Mt. Dew with Taco Bell. Hmm...I'll have to think about that!


Kim Eckhardt said...

Shane had awful night terrors. Just awful. He finally outgrew them. At around 7. Yeah. 4 years of night terrors. That was fun. We figured out that if we took him to the bathroom, he would pee and then go right back to sleep. Maybe the terrors are triggered by the need to pee. We wouldn't wake him up. Just take him to the potty. I found out the hard way when I tried to confort him one night and he peed all over me. There's nothing that you can do to comfort them or to wake them up. It's freaky. Try taking her to the bathroom. Good luck!

drea :: dre of white stables said...

Wow, I'm glad you got it figured out! As a side note, I had a dream last night that I showed up at your house with Syd. I wasn't sure why I was in SC, but I had flown there...and I didn't know when I was going back home. I was getting worried so you directed me to a hotel that I could stay at for $20/night. Since being pregnant I've had the weirdest, most vivid dreams...and now you're in them!

Anonymous said...

hey babe he's still nursing from the boob??? Kari

Anonymous said...

oh...but if you are boob feeding....the lack of caffein will make production go waaaaay up! :) Kari

EB said...

Yep, he's still on the boob. :-) Kari, where you been? I'm going to PI on next Wednesday through the weekend. Please call me!

Anonymous said...

i'll be in town through friday then i'm headed outa town. maybe meet up thursday or my new digits? Kari