Sunday, February 24, 2008

Nesting? Nesting? 1-2-3

Ok, so I've been busy these last few weeks but NOTHING has compared to the mania that was our weekend.

First, I was off on Friday with Roo (teacher work day) and was able to formulate a plan of sorts. Saturday was full of lists, errands and projects. Sunday was full of returns, room assembly and relaxation :-)

Here are the results...

Roo's big girl room

And the baby's room...
** Oh yes, and I promised a name...but I lied. J and I were so busy this weekend we didn't even discuss "he who shall not be named." Sorry. Stay Tuned...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love Roo's big girl room.

About the name-I didn't name Jordy until she was born. I had 3 names and figured I couldn't name a person I had not seen. But now that she's a smarty pants she suggested J jr jr :). I let her watch Friends too much.
