Friday, February 1, 2008

Today is B-Day

Ok, so I stole this from Lia but it's fitting. Today, being the first day of February has been designated as our own family "B-Day." This means a budget. Not a floaty idea about numbers but an actual written down plan. This is not fun. Infact, if I weren't "planning for our future" I'd say forget it. But me being me...I'm a planner.

So, these are the cuts. Minimal Targeting, no Goodwill (sadly our favorite store) and meal planning. We are also on a cash only diet.

Ask me how I feel in a week...

Additional Notes:

We still hadn't heard from the school about Roo's preschool registration so I decided to call. After alot of hemming and hawing, the director confessed...not done. Try again on Monday. Good thoughts...

Also, I have a woman (who is the mother of one of Riley's classmates) coming over to take some maternity pictures this weekend. She's trying to get her business up and running and offered! Luckily it'll be in the 60s and sunny. Now I just need to figure out what to wear!

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