Tuesday, February 26, 2008

You know where I gotta go???

I've GOT to go to Paula Deen's restaurant in Savannah. The Lady and Sons. I really do.

I've always been a lover of foods, particularly ones that stick to my bottom and make my thighs and bottom spread and my face rounder Luckily, I found a man who shares my love of food and often indulges my "inner food junky."

More often than not, it's me making the food. I always try to cut fat and sugar where I can and subsitute healthier options. This is the end of the road for that.

I was watching Paula's Home Cooking this week and she was having a lovely ladies brunch. She made the KILLER of all burgers (literally and figuratively) for it. Here's what it is.... The Lady's Brunch Burger. I am sick enough (read: 10000 months pregnant) and have been good long enough. I am making it this weekend. Ask me how much coaxing "Hoover" (J) will need...HA!

Stay tuned for how it turns out!

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