I have decided to participate in this movement. It's NO POO! Shampoo that is!
The thought behind it is that shampoo has TONS of chemicals and detergents that strip your hair and inhibit your hair's natural ability to regulate oil production, thus leaving you with a greasy nasty head in between washings.
I'm still "washing my hair" but not using soap. Instead, I'm using conditioner! Apparently Conditioners have enough surfectants to clean your hair. You won't get a lather, but you don't need one. Use the pads of your fingers to scrub scrub scrub that scalp and you're good. You just have to make sure to avoid any products that end in 'cone.' These are the nasty things that coat your hair and make it even greasier. Anyone who has used Pantene for an extended amount of time knows what I'm talking about. Suave Naturals and VO5 have many conditioners that have no cones. They have nones, but that's not the same.
Day One: Washed with Suave Clarifying Shampoo and conditioned as normal.
Result was good. Hair was nice and clean. Frizzy but
Day Two: Went to the pool with the kids twice. Both times I wet my hair and coated it in conditioner. Last night at my final shower I lathered my hair with conditioner only, did a rinse and coated again with conditioner. Then I dried my hair as normal.
Result of this was great! Hair was smaller than usual and smelled amazing. Less
frizzies for sure and even had a wave in it as it was air drying. Once I blow dried it, it looked good and was shiny.
Day Three: No washing today. I flat iron my hair with no products and it's STICK straight but actually has some body to it!
Loving this no poo thing.
Incidentally, I also did
Roo's the same way and it's SHOCKING! Her hair is
sooooo shiny today.
You would think that leaving in conditioner would leave your hair heavy and greasy but it's the exact opposite. It looks clean, smells clean and has a TON of body to it!
I'd like to encourage everyone to try it. I'm only on day three and am LOVING my hair. It gets better and better each day! If you have curly hair or wavy this is a great thing for you! Most people with curls who try this experience better curls, more body,
manageability and no frizz. Curly Girls is a commonly used technique. If you are interested, please google your hearts out.
This message is dedicated to my girl Hanna and her lovely ladies with the super curly lovely locks. I said I wanted to do it...now I am. Your turn! :-)